Sizing Your Perfect Necklace
Sizing Your Perfect Necklace Preference for a necklace length may be as varied as the style of necklace you choose to wear. Whichever suits your style, you’ll want to size it right. Here are some easy tips to find which length will be your perfect fit.
Already have a favorite?
If you already have a necklace at the desired length, lay it straight on a flat surface. Measure the distance from one clasp to the other and use that length. You may also measure it from end to end when it’s clasped.
Seeking a new look or don’t already have a prototype to use as a guide? A measuring tape or string will help you determine your desired length.

Using a flexible tape measure
Place a flexible tape measure around your neck. To find your necklace size, meet the ends of the measure where you would like the pendant to fall on your chest (as pictured above), and note the length.

Measure full length
Lay the necklace on a flat surface in a straight line. Using a ruler or tape measure, measure it from one end of the clasp to the other.

Measuring when fastened